Classification of Textile Fiber

Classification of Natural Fibre

Textile fibres are basically classified into two categories. Natural and man-made and the subdivision of natural fibre are mineral, animal and vegetable. Again vegetable and animal fibre are categories in the subdivision. In which steam, lead and seed are vegetable fibres. Hair and filament are animal fibre. These fibres are also classified into subcategories. Where flax, jute and hemp come into the categories of stem fibre. Cotton is classified into the seed fibre category. And wool and silk come into the categories of hair and filaments fibres respectively.

Classification of Man-made Fibre

Polymer fibres are divided into regenerated fibres and synthetic fibres, the regenerated fibres are called natural polymers, they are obtained from natural resources, such as cellulose trees, cotton waste and other natural cellulose resources, in which natural fibres are made from natural polymers with chemicals reactions.

The natural fibre is cultivated in the agricultural sector and man-made fibre is manufactured in industry. A synthetic polymer is generated in chips from or is directly supplied to extruders in the liquid state. In case it's made in chip form after it is melted by extruders and liquified.

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