Introduction of yarn Preparation processes || object of yarn Preparation

Introduction of yarn Preparation

Yarn preparation involves these process that improve the yarn weavability or knitibility. Yarn may be grey or dyed which are use for weaving  or knitting yarn is the basic element for both process (weaving and knitting) because the yarn which are collected from Spinning it can not directly use in weaving and knitting. Before using it in loom or knitting machines. It is processed by many ways for various purpose. these all ways are called yarn preparation.

Objective of Yarn Preparation Department 

  1. removal of objectionable yarn faults like thick and thin places,slub, snarl, neps, etc.. 
  2. increase the yarn length
  3. Conversion of smaller package to required package (multi end pkg & single end pkg)
  4. Conversion of single end to multi end package. 
  5. Increase the abrasion resistance of yarn these done by sizing process. to give the strength of yarn and prepare a pirn for loom. 

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